“The Simpsons,” the long-running animated sitcom, has been a cultural phenomenon since its debut in 1989. Known for its satirical humor and sharp social commentary, the show has an uncanny knack for seemingly predicting future events. Here are 15 more instances where “The Simpsons” appeared to foresee the future with remarkable accuracy:
- Siegfried and Roy Tiger Attack – In Season 5, Episode 10, “The Simpsons” depicted a magic show where a white tiger attacked its trainers. Years later, in 2003, Roy Horn of the famous Siegfried and Roy duo was attacked by one of their white tigers during a performance.
- Ebola Outbreak – In Season 9, Episode 3, Marge suggests that Bart read a book titled “Curious George and the Ebola Virus.” Over a decade later, the 2014 Ebola outbreak became a major global health crisis.
- Smartwatches – Season 6, Episode 19 featured Lisa’s wedding in the future, where her fiancé uses a smartwatch to communicate. This was long before smartwatches became mainstream with devices like the Apple Watch.
- Faulty Voting Machines – In Season 20, Episode 4, Homer tries to vote for Barack Obama in a rigged voting machine that changes his vote to John McCain. Similar issues with electronic voting machines were reported during the 2012 election.
- Nobel Prize Winner – In Season 22, Episode 1, Milhouse predicts MIT economist Bengt Holmström will win the Nobel Prize in Economics. Holmström indeed won the prize in 2016.
- Greece’s Economic Crisis – In Season 23, Episode 10, Homer appears on a news program with a headline reading “Europe Puts Greece on eBay.” This was years before Greece’s severe economic crisis made global headlines.
- Disney Buys 20th Century Fox – In Season 10, Episode 5, a sign outside 20th Century Fox’s studios shows that it is “a division of Walt Disney Co.” In 2019, Disney acquired 21st Century Fox.
- Farmville and Addictive Online Games – Season 9, Episode 12 showcased an addictive farming game. Years later, games like Farmville became a massive online trend.
- USA Curling Team Wins Gold – In Season 21, Episode 12, the U.S. curling team wins an Olympic gold medal. This came true in 2018 when the U.S. men’s curling team won their first-ever gold medal.
- The Shard in London – Season 6, Episode 19, set in the future, depicts London’s skyline with a skyscraper that looks eerily similar to The Shard, which was completed in 2012.
- Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Performance – In Season 23, Episode 22, Lady Gaga performs a concert in Springfield, descending from the sky. Gaga’s 2017 Super Bowl performance featured a similar entrance.
- Autocorrect Fails – In Season 6, Episode 8, a school bully’s note gets autocorrected to “Beat up Martin.” This anticipated the widespread frustration with early autocorrect technology on smartphones.
- Donald Trump Presidency – In Season 11, Episode 17, “The Simpsons” jokingly predicted Donald Trump would become president. This became reality in the 2016 election.
- FIFA Scandal – In Season 25, Episode 16, “The Simpsons” depicted a corrupt FIFA executive being arrested. A year later, several FIFA officials were arrested in a real-life corruption scandal.
- US wins gold in Curling – As mentioned, in Season 21, Episode 12, the U.S. curling team wins an Olympic gold medal. This accurately predicted the U.S. men’s team victory in 2018.
These episodes highlight the show’s remarkable ability to touch on themes and events that later become reality. Whether through coincidence, satire, or a keen understanding of societal trends, “The Simpsons” continues to amaze its audience with its prophetic insights.